McWane Ductile stands ready to meet all of your fabricated pipe needs. Cast iron pipe has long been the standard material for conveying water and sewage in municipal, utility and industrial piping systems.
Our treatment plant team can help you select, specify and implement a solution that meets your precise need. We provide full application support including pre- and post¬bid services to ensure your projects are completed on time and on budget. We support your projects with a full submittal package for review and engineer approval. We also offer precise CAD line drawings and lay schedules, with a complete Bill of Material to help you save time and money during installation.
For applications in water treatment and wastewater treatment plants, we fabricate ductile iron pipe to AWWA / ANSI standards. We offer a a full line of pipe joints and ancillary products for our 3-inch through 36-inch cast pipe, as well as the ability to flange pipe up to 48-inches in diameter. We supply pipe in lengths from fillers to full 20’ lengths, as well as specialty appurtanances like holes, taps, outlets and thread-o-lets.
Our broad range of coatings, linings and encasements include the commonly cement lining with a bituminous seal coat. For in-plant applications you can select from additional abrasive inhibitors such as Protecto 401™ or specialized glass lining materials to meet your requirements. For the outside of the pipe, we offer bituminous coating, Tnemec and Sherwin Williams primers, and epoxies, as well as other specialty coatings that may be required. Be sure to contact your MPI representative for all options.